Central Indiana Educational Service Center (CIESC) address:
3500 DePauw Blvd. Pyramid Two, Suite 2020 Indianapolis, IN 46268
Contact: ISNA Professional Development, certificate@indianasna.org, (317)660-2225

* If you are registering for both morning and afternoon courses, lunch will be served at the conclusion of the morning course.
February 2025
12. School Nutrition Policies & Procedures (Virtual)
12:30 p.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Understand policies and procedures for which the district is responsible versus the food service department
Determine which activities need written policies and procedures
Learn what to include in your standard operating policies
Learn how often to review and revise written policies and procedures
Learn how to categorize your policies and procedures
Create a standard operating policy and procedure template
Learn the differences between Policy and Standard Operating Procedure and how to create and maintain a system that provides organization, order, and meets audit requirements for the financial, nutritional, and other aspects of the USDA meal program
Learn what standard operating policies and procedures are available through IDOE
Reviewing unpaid meals, bad debt, wellness, and social media policies in depth
19. Marketing Your School Nutrition Program (Virtual)
12:30 p.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Define marketing basics
Understand how and when to use products, places, and promotions in the marketing plan
Recognize a brand image and its importance
Know how to develop or enhance a brand
Discern when and how to purchase marketing or design help
Understand how to adjust the message to each group of stakeholders
Determine which marketing tools, such as social media, to use depending on the stakeholder group
Use one or more marketing tools to develop a marketing piece for your program
March 2025
26. Food Production and Operation Management (CIESC) 9:00 a.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Describe how the principles of food production impact food quality
List the principles of developing and using standardized recipes
Describe the importance of accurate measurement in food production
Identify procedures for documenting and evaluating the amount of food planned, prepared, and served
State the importance of production scheduling to achieve operational goals
List food quality standards that ensure quality food production
26. Product and Inventory Management (CIESC)
12:30 p.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Review stakeholders’ responsibilities and expectations
Discuss how the menu determines the goods and services that must be competitively procured
Review basic concepts of inventory management, product movement, and cost management
Summarize the types of items that are associated with a specific product category
Create a sample product screening evaluation tool
Practice writing a mock product specification
Examine the features of a Child Nutrition Label
Discuss the importance of accurately forecasting products
April 2025
16. Menu Planning Regulations and Concepts (CIESC) 9:00 a.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Understand what constitutes a Reimbursable School Meal.
Be able to identify each of the components necessary for a school lunch, breakfast, and snack.
Understand Offer vs. Serve (OVS) for each meal part.
Learn tools to evaluate the menu.
16. Human Resource Management (CIESC)
12:30 p.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Learn how to develop consequences when an employee breaches policies and procedures.
Practice writing performance improvement plans, suspensions, and terminations
Gain an understanding of the most applicable employment laws to the above processes.
Understand the district’s rights and responsibilities under the Family and Medical Leave Act.
Learn how having a union affects standard policies and procedures.
Develop procedures for dealing with on-the-job injuries and HIPPA concerns.
Learn about ADA accommodations
Identify bullying in the workplace
Understand retaliation
Develop an understanding of reporting arrests, failing background checks, and drug testing
May 2025
7. Advanced Menu Planning and Production Strategies (CIESC) 9:00 a.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Describe the benefits of using cycle menus
Describe the benefits of using locally-produced and USDA Foods
State factors to consider when planning menus
Determine a food cost goal for breakfast and lunch menus
Calculate menu costs
Describe the benefits of including students in the menu planning process
Identify ways to communicate and market the menu to students and other stakeholders
Identify places to obtain menu ideas and recipes
7. Facilities Planning & Management (CIESC)
12:30 p.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Review foundations of kitchen asset management
Determine inventory requirements
Develop preventative maintenance schedules
Manage service and warranty issues and contracts
Create replacement plans for major assets
Organize kitchen closings, openings, and remodels
Dispose of assets and sell old and discarded assets
Plan an opening or remodeling of a space
Learn about current design trends that maximize efficiency
August 2025
Creating and Implementing Your HACCP Plan (Virtual)
12:30 p.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Understand what constitutes a Process Approach HACCP Plan.
Learn the requirements for a School Food Safety Plan.
Understand each of the basic steps in a School Food Safety Plan.
Learn to write a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP).
Understand which food safety records need to be kept and for how long.
When to review and revise your School Food Safety Plan.
Understand the tools available to train your staff on your School Food Safety Plan.
Learn how to respond to a complaint of a foodborne illness.
Develop policies for staff reporting illnesses.
October 2024
September 2025
10. Planning for the Next Crisis - Keeping Your Staff & Space Safe (Virtual)
12:30 p.m. EST
Course Objectives:
How to effectively deal with Food Quality and Safety situations
Customer questions on quality and safety of the food
Food recalls – processes and responsibilities
Understand and prepare for school safety and security situations
- Lockdowns
- Fire drills
- Tornado drills -
Access to the kitchen and the equipment
Is your cafeteria designed with school safety in mind?
Understand how to develop a plan for when the utilities fail
Communicating with the public and parents for each type of emergency. -
Determining the best way to communicate (ie social media, robocalls, texts, print)
Know ahead of time your district’s communication policies and how to make sure your department is covered.
24. School Nutrition Program Expense Basics (CIESC)
9:00 a.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Explain school corporation expense funds related to school nutrition
Analyze and interpret expenses for program evaluation and improvement
Understand how indirect costs are calculated and applied to school nutrition accounts
Calculate and apply expense-related benchmarks and KPIs used in the school nutrition industry
Describe strategies for controlling food and labor costs
Explain the difference between variable and fixed costs
24. School Nutrition Program Revenue Basics (CIESC)
12:30 p.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Explain school corporation revenue and liability (8400) funds related to school nutrition
Reconcile school nutrition liability (8400) fund
Analyze and interpret revenue for program evaluation and improvement
Calculate and apply revenue-related benchmarks and KPIs used in the school nutrition industry
Describe strategies for increasing revenue
Calculate Paid Equity Lunch
Calculate non-program revenue
April 2025
March 2025
October 2025
Program Accountability and Ethics (Virtual)
12:30 p.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Explore the topic of accountability and define it in terms of best practices for a school nutrition department
Understand ethics and the role it plays in school foodservice.
Understand nepotism and how it can impact the foodservice program.
Gain an overview level understanding of laws that pertain to privacy of information, including:
- Freedom of Information Act. (what information is required to be shared and how to work within the district’s procedures when sharing);
- Indiana Open Door Law
- FERPA and how it is relevant -
Gain an understanding of how to prevent and manage fraudulent activity, such as:
- Definition of common types of fraudulent activity (i.e. ghost employment, bid collusion, bogus billing, falsification of public records, work-related personal injury claims, monetary or other theft)
- Identify how to spot behavior or practices that may be indicators of fraudulent activity
- Know the steps required to investigate suspected fraud
- Understand the legal duty and appropriate steps to pursue individuals suspected of fraudulent activities
- Know the steps required to develop policies, practices, and procedures to reduce or eliminate fraud
May 2025
May 2025
November 2025
Procurement - Beyond the Basics
(Annual Conference)
9:00 a.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Identify major Federal and NSLP procurement regulations
Identify the four methods of procurement
Identify required contract provisions and when they apply
Define and adhere to the “Buy American” clause in procurement
Define and adhere to regulations regarding “geographic preferences”
Discuss Standards of Conduct and various ethical scenarios
Develop solicitation documents appropriate for the different methods of procurement
List the types of documents that are required to demonstrate that procurement conforms to Federal, State, and Local regulations
Develop evaluation tools for Request for Proposals (RFPs) and Quotes (RFQ)
Discuss group purchasing organizations (GPOs) – advantages, disadvantages, and responsibilities as a member
December 2025
Financial Planning and Reporting (Virtual)
12:30 p.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Explain State Board of Accounts requirements for School Nutrition Programs
Analyze and interpret basic school nutrition financial reports
Develop short and long-term financial goals
Develop an annual budget
Complete an IDOE Annual Financial Report
Communicate financial information to stakeholders
Visionary Leadership (Virtual)
12:30 p.m. EST
Course Objectives:
Understand leadership styles and the strengths and weaknesses of each.
Learn how to develop your employees’ leadership skills.
Learn how leadership style influences an organization’s culture.
Learn how to communicate and delegate to build a positive working environment.
Learn strategies in order to handle difficult employees.
Gain an understanding of how ethics play a role in being a good leader and decision-maker.